C Pouyioukka - Security & Privacy Research Fellow

As an individual, my personal research interests are in Security Systems and in particular, in areas which involve cryptographic algorithms, privacy enhancing paradigms and technologies, blockchain and verification in security systems.  I am mostly interested in distributed systems, Internet of Things and the security and privacy implications involved with such systems. Other interests include: Quantum Computation and Information theorems, Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Hacking.

Research is mainly  focused on:

Data Leakage in Smartphone applications and the implications advertising libraries have in user privacy. The security and privacy implications involved in Autonomous Vehicles; and the use of machine learning to detect attacks from adversaries in interconnected autonomous vehicles. Identification of online scams, attacks and threats deployed by exploiting social networks. User privacy protection and privacy attacks involved by using Social Networks and smart devices.  Blockchain & Smart contracts and their validity.  Concept of Quantum-Proof algorithmic security and Post-Quantum cryptography.

For a list of all my publications and information about my research please click here.


I obtained my Masters degree from the University of Surrey in 2017 in Information Security. I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with Software Engineering, as an undergraduate student at the University of Lancaster in 2014. 

Contact Info

You can reach me with a tweet on Twitter. Please refrain from using Protonmail email c dot pouyioukka at protonmail dot com since I completely lost access to it since April 2023. I will create a new one soon enough. At the moment please contact me via Twitter as I will open my messages publicly. Thank you very much.